
Opportunities in Everyday Life

The Lord has been so faithful and has been providing encouragement at every turn. When I walk outside I see Him in the chirping of the birds, in the mist descending from the clouds (I get excited for rain in CA!), and in the majesty of the sunshine, casting it's rays on the earth below. When I meet meet people who are evidently in love with Christ I see the gospel gleaming through and when I those evidently in need of the gospel I feel the Holy Spirit's prompting to respond by sharing the hope I have. And finally, in my classes (even in Critical Thinking and Problem Solving) and just at college in general, I see the potential for gaining wisdom and understanding from the professors and others I meet in order to more thoughtfully live a life honoring to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I just want to briefly share what is going on in my life and the Lord has been working. He has been providing so many good opportunities such as being able to work with a man named Bryan Kirby at both the college (as apart of chapel media, that being my work study) and at the church (assisting him with sound one week a month). He has also been gracious enough to meet with me regularly to and take me out to dinner.

I have also been able to meet with Micah once a week, which has provided a great opportunity to actually talk and go beyond just how our homework is going. I am also excited about small groups with some of the guys on my wing. The Bible study we attend, Generations (named for its "generations" of people represented, young, old and all in between), has been a great chance to meet people and grow alongside them.

I greatly need and appreciate all who are praying for me and if you are reading this I most likely am praying for you as well. Prayer and the unity the church is given in Christ is a wonderful gift from God one REALLY discover being separated from one's home church. I hope you take time to thank God for the ministry God has given you and are content with where he has placed you. Praise Him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow i can't belive we got two posts in a row! It has been fun to hear how the Lord has been working in your life and stretching and growing you! Thank you for your reminder of a heavenly perspective... and i think the last paragraph was written directly to me! ") Thanks for sharing!